1 February 2016

Bye Bye January | Hello February!

Hello loves,

As you can see from the above photos, my January was quite eventful - as Januaries always are! Let me tell you some more about the above photos :)

1. On the 3rd of January, my family celebrates my Mum's Birthday - this was her 48th Birthday! Let me tell you a few things about my Mum - she is my world... such a great person - always with a smile on her face, always ready to help anyone who needs help. She has always supported me - all my decisions, all my choices - and never has she ever doubted me - and for that, I will forever be grateful to her and also to my Dad, who's the best! This photo has in it the two most important persons in my life!!

2. So this year my boyfriend thought it was a good idea to spend my Birthday abroad - so we decided to go overland with my car to Sicily - and drive up to Palermo, which is his hometown. We were four of us, my Best Friend Sephora, my Fiancé Davide, his Brother Alberto and myself. Whilst on our way to Palermo (it was a 5 hour journey!) we stopped at a Petrol Station for a quick snack and Davide thought it was a good idea to buy me this gigantic heart to show me how much he loved me! Sweetest Fiancé in the whole world!

3. When we finally got to Palermo - we immediately went to Davide's Auntie's house - they were expecting us, and since they had not seen Davide in quite a while, there were a lot of tears! They cooked an amazing meal for us and made me a cake... it was emotional!

4. You can't go to Italy and not eat a good Pizza - so I went on Trip Advisor and found the closest, yummiest Pizzeria I could find - and the winner was --- FRIDA Pizzeria! Best decision I ever made in my life! The pizza there was divine... as soon as I took my first bite, my taste buds exploded! I swear it wasn't like anything I had ever eaten! This is a crappy photo of the amazing pizza - I wish the photo was a bit better... sorry for that!

5. For my Birthday, once back in Malta, I got this amazing MVintage necklace from my Mum, (apart from many other goodies!) I instantly fell in love, the colors, the design - everything! So when my boyfriend proposed we go out for dinner - I instantly said Yes, since I had the perfect excuse to wear my new necklace! Here's how I wore it :)

6. This photo was taken yesterday, 31.01.2016 - can you believe the beautiful weather? That's why I am so in love with Malta... such a little, beautiful gem of an Island - we almost always have beautiful weather and it hardly ever rains! Perfect for Sunday walks!

Now - looking forward to yet another Amazing month! Hello February ♡ I have many exciting things coming up in February - Carnival on the 5-6-7 February, Public Holiday on the 10th February, Valentines Day on the 14th February...

How was your January? Looking forward to February? Anything special planned?? Tell me!

Sending a gazillion kisses your way,

Amanda x